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Where should I place my beehives?

After you know how to make sure your bee yard location meets the needs of your bees, it’s time to select your beehive setup’s location. To pick the right spot, consider these thoughts: 

  • Ask Yourself One Very Important Question: Do I need Permission to Start Beekeeping?
  • Purchase the Bees: Make sure you have an order for your bees secured, long before getting the equipment set up.  
  • Location: Your bee yard location should be easily accessible for completing regular hive inspections and completing beekeeping maintenance, this is especially important while carrying heavy equipment. 
  • Neighbors: Consider your neighbors’ potential concerns, as well as the location of their property lines and pathways (and even their swimming pools) to ensure your hobby stays stress-free for you and them. (Colony members, learn more about talking with your neighbors under the “Read More” section below.)
    • Don’t forget that your neighbors could be other beekeepers or farmers who use pesticides, too. It’s good to find out whether there are any beekeepers around you and if they are hobbyists or running commercial operations, their bees may interact with and affect your honeybees, too.
  • Choose a Level Area on Higher Ground: Ensure beehives are set up on terrain that’s as flat as possible to help bees build straighter combs out of wax and ensure easier hive inspections. Keeping beehives up off the ground by using a hive stand can help protect them from certain pests. You should also make sure they are not in a low-lying area that could collect cold air or too much moisture
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If you have room for a bee yard and are interested in honeybees but can’t keep bees yourself for whatever reason, consider letting a beekeeper use your land to place their beehives (and you can send them this post to be sure they pick a prime location!) 

Read More

Where to Place a Beehive 

The Practicalities of Setting Up a Beehive 

Preparing and Installing Your Beehive 

Providing Pollinator Friendly Plants Near Your Bee Yard

What Bees Need 

Beekeeping and Your Neighbors *

 * Colony Member-Only Content   

Related Products in the PerfectBee Store

The many options available for beehive equipment can be a little overwhelming, but we’re here to help! We’ve got all of your needs covered in the PerfectBee store with our beehive components and complete kits. We’re proud to be able to supply new and experienced beekeepers alike with high-quality, yet affordable beekeeping equipment options that will fit the needs of you, your bees, and your budget!

The Full Lineup of Beehives & Kits

PerfectBee’s Signature Hive Series 

All Beehive Components