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The PerfectBee Blog

Our beekeeping blog covers topics for the hobbyist beekeeper, including understanding bees, equipment, best practices, treatments and much more.

BeekeepersHow To Get Your Kids Involved In Beekeeping
Are you a beekeeper with a child right on your heels?If so, you should encourage them!You are probably wondering how? Keeping bees is not the...
Comb honeyHarvesting Honey
Depending on your methodology, there are two options for when to harvest honey from your hive - a spin extractor or crush-and-strain.
Bee on white flowersApril Beekeeping: the challenges and rewards
April is the cruellest month, breedingLilacs out of dead land, mixingMemory and desire, stirringDull roots with the spring rain- T.S. Eliot The Waste LandIntroductionIn April,...
HM5 Hive ScaleWeighing your beehive: Why and how
Why is weighing your beehive important?Simple - it is a great unobtrusive way to monitor how your bees are doing.It’s important to keep tabs on your...
Child with beehivesBee facts for kids
Bees and kids are often not a happy combination. Taught to fear bee stings at a young age, children often erupt with screams and tears...
Warre BoxesWhat to know about Warre hives
The result of 50 years of research, the Warre beehive is designed to mimic bees in nature as much as possible. We look at it's...
Beehives in gardenCommon concerns about keeping bees
It's not uncommon for the laymen to harbor a fear of bees. But a little digging shows they are far more docile than many consider.
Honey Bee Extracts NectarBeekeeping and Easter
There are more associations between beekeeping and Easter than you might imagine.
PropolisThe special properties of propolis
Propolis is more than just that sticky substance that makes it difficult to move your frames – it plays a crucial role in a hive’s...
Top Bar Cedar HiveWhat to Know About Top Bar Hives
The top bar hive has emerged as a popular alternative to the Langstroth for people who are looking to avoid heavy lifting and/or enjoy a...
Beekeeper in SpringFirst Hive Check in the Spring
It’s finally here! That joyous warm weather. The sun is shining, it’s 50°F and you’re ready to see how your bees did over the winter.
Varroa destructorObtaining and assessing varroa mite count
As a beekeeper, it’s absolutely essential that you keep the varroa mites in your hive under control. Because it’s never a question of whether you...
Foundationless FramesUnique and Emerging Beekeeping Trends
Although beekeeping is a time-honored tradition, it is constantly evolving and new trends and technology emerging to aide beekeepers - and save the bees.
Multiple beehivesWhat to know about Langstroth beehives
A look at the components of the Langstroth beehive and guidance on operational ​factors to keep your colony happy and healthy.
3 BeesThe language of bees
Just like most intelligent animals, bees communicate with each other. They don’t use words like we do, or clicks like dolphins, but they do have...
Beekeepers Examining Honeycomb6 ways to join the beekeeping community
As a new beekeeper you have a lot to learn. Beyond old-school books, today we have the benefit of the Internet. But for the most...
BeekeepersHow and when to move a beehive
Moving a hive full of bees, comb, and honey is not an easy task and should not be undertaken lightly. In addition to the weight...
Beekeeping clubCan I really be a beekeeper?
Our resident curious beekeeper-to-be, Amy, wonders whether she has all she needs to be a beekeeper, while hoping her history with plants isn't an accurate...
Winter Langstroth BeehivesOver-wintering humans: Getting through the long wait
Beekeepers talk about overwintering - the art of getting bees through the cold winter months. But what about us humans?
My Beehive In The SnowA beekeeper’s journey: Part 4 – Adventures in overwintering
The mystery of honey bees in winterFor the layman, it's a bit of a mystery. Those little creatures we associate with beautiful summer days return...
Beekeeper with smokerA beekeeper’s journey: Part 3 – Package bees or swarm?
Sarah chose her hive, she decided where to locate it. Now it's time to obtain her bees. A package of bees or a swarm?
Thanksgiving TurkeyBeing thankful for bees
As we sit down for Thanksgiving dinner there are so many things for which we should be grateful - but especially the bees!
Hives and beekeepersA beekeeper’s journey: Part 2 – Locating the hive
Sarah considers her beehive location - grade, environmental protections, flight directions and permanence.
Beeswax CandleBest uses for bee products
If you care for your bees attentively, they will reward you.
Macro image of a bee drinking a water drop from a green leafWhy bees fascinate me
How one intrigued, fascinated person is slowing getting drawn into the amazing world beekeeping.
Bees at HiveA beekeeper’s journey: Part 1 – Choosing the type of hive
The first of a three-part blog series, describing how Sarah decided on her choice of hive.