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Threats to Bees

Bees face a tremendous number of threats, from pests to pesticides, as well as the ever-present possibility of mites. Thankfully, they have many ways to tackle these possibilities. Nonetheless, the beekeeper should be able to spot the danger signs and know when the bees may need a helping hand

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Are bears a threat to my beehive(s)?

Bears can threaten beehives in areas where they live, but prevention is key to protecting…

Red Beehive
What are the biggest threats to honeybees in the winter?

Winter threats to honeybee colonies include cold, lack of food, and diseases or varroa mites.

A Small Cluster
Why is condensation in a beehive dangerous?

If condensation disrupts a honeybee colony’s cluster in cold weather, the bees can’t regulate their…

Small Hive Beetle by James D. Ellis
The Small Hive Beetle

As any beekeeper knows, honeybees face many threats in their short lifetimes. A beekeeper’s job…

Bees at entrance to hive
Beehive Robbing & How to Manage It in Your Bee Yard

“Robbing” is a term in the beekeeping world that refers to the act of bees…

Beekeeper studying the eggs and larvae of bees with help a magnifying glass.
How Taking Notes Can Help Manage Varroa Mites

By now we should all be keenly aware that the Varroa Destructor mite is one…

Oxylic acid to treat varroa
Mite Treatment Considerations & Regulations

As we went over in our last PerfectBee Snippet, “The Types of Varroa Mite Treatments…

Applying ApiVar Life Treatment
The Types of Varroa Mite Treatments Available

The Varroa Destructor mite continues to be the greatest threat to hobbyist and commercial beekeepers…

The Threat of Varroa Mites: Part 1

While bees are incredibly resilient, they do face challenges. From robbers to Smal Hive Beetle to American and…

From Tiny Mice to Big Bears

Dangers, Great and SmallBeekeepers tend to focus much of their efforts on the potential threats…

An Introduction to Colony Collapse Disorder

What is Colony Collapse DisorderSince around 2006, a mysterious threat has affected bee populations across…

A Practical Guide to a Thriving Colony

Beyond the installationOur third and final PerfectBee Course is called A Healthy Beehive. It builds…

Understanding Mite Counts

As we’ve discussed in our recent PerfectBee Snippets, (see the Learn More section below for…

Varroa on larva
The Importance of Timing in Varroa Mite Management

In our PerfectBee Snippet series all about the feared Varroa mite, we’ve covered what the…

Varroa mites
What is Integrated Pest Management?

As we all know by now, the Varroa mite is one of the greatest threats…

Varroa destructor
Varroa Mites & Honeybee Viruses

In our last Snippet, “What is the Varroa Destructor Mite?” we talked about what a…

Varroa Mite Magnified
What is the Varroa Destructor Mite?

Whether you’re just getting started in beekeeping or have been at it for years, you’ve…

Closed feeding bees
Honeybee Cleansing Flights

Cleansing Flights – What Are They? Many might not be aware that honeybees exhibit a form…

The Lifecycle and Dangers of Wax Moths

A Pest with a HistoryFor thousands of years wax moths have been a pest to…

Finished Bee Yard
Get Your Hives Off the Ground

While you could start a beehive by setting your hive directly on the ground and…

Wasp attack
Identifying Poisoned Bees

Be ready….If you keep bees, it’s likely that sooner or later, upon visiting your bee…

Hives in Snow
Bee Hive Insulation for the Winter

In nature, honey bees overwinter in hollow tree cavities, with a small entrance and generous…

Varroa on honeybee
VSH and The Selective Breeding of Bees To Fight Varroa

VHS bees exhibit behaviors that directly reduce the number of Varroa in a hive, helping…

Wasp attack
The Diversity of Pests

All beekeepers have a need to deal with pests at some point. Generally, mites come…

Varroa On Larva
The amazing life of the Varroa mite

We love our bees. We introduce them to their homes, in the form of a…

Oxylic acid to treat varroa
A Beekeepers Guide To Using Oxalic Acid

An effective and popular treatmentA keen awareness of the level of Varroa mites in the…

Varroa on larva
The Threat of Varroa Mites: Part 2

In the previous lesson, we looked at the life of the Varroa mite and how…

A Frame of Bees
An Introduction to Nosema and Chalkbrood

There are many diseases that can threaten honey bees, including American and European Foulbrood. The…

Tracheal Mites
An Introduction to Tracheal Mites

The world of nature can be downright gruesome. Imagine a creature that crawls into the…

Another View of the Brood Pattern
The Threat of American and European Foulbrood

In the world of beekeeping, there are few problems as catastrophic to bees as American…

Small Hive Beetle and Honeybees

Small, Pesky, and Rather CleverThe Small Hive Beetle, commonly referred to as SHB, is recognized…

Wasp attack
The Threat of Robbing

Not All It SeemsAs a new beekeeper, you may one day walk to your hive…

Varroa mites
An Overview of the Main Threats to Bees

Honeybees are highly independent. They can fly miles for food, defend themselves against attack, and…

Beekeeper using smoker
Using Essential Oils To Help Your Hives

Did you know that using herbs for medicine was once considered witchcraft?It is true! During…

Bees at Hive
The ZomBees are Coming!

ZomBees?!!!No, this isn’t a joke or the next big sci-fi flick coming to a box…

Spraying pesticides
Bees And Pesticides: What Is Safe?

As a general rule, PerfectBee recommends against the use of pesticides or any form of…

Small Hive Beetle by James D. Ellis
Small Hive Beetle: What is it, How to Treat it

What is the Small Hive BeetleThe small hive beetle is a common hive pest, particularly…

Varroa destructor
Obtaining and assessing varroa mite count

As a beekeeper, it’s absolutely essential that you keep the varroa mites in your hive…