Search results for: queenless

  • Queen Bee

    Queenlessness in Your Hive

    January 13, 2019
    Introduction Colonies have a single queen. And when they don't, they are queenless. This state is called queenlessness. There's nothing…
  • Queen Bee

    Queenlessness in Your Hive

    January 13, 2019
    Introduction Colonies have a single queen. And when they don't, they are queenless. This state is called queenlessness. There's nothing…
  • TempQueen Queen Pheromone

    June 20, 2024
    Help keep a queenless colony queen-right for up to 3 weeks with these queen pheromone strips.
  • Queen bee

    Tips for Queen Spotting

    June 12, 2024
    When completing a hive inspection, it’s always beneficial to take note of what you see inside and on the frames.…
  • Cloake Board for 10-Frame Langstroth Hives

    June 7, 2024
    If you have a strong colony, you can use the Cloake Board to raise your own queens! The Cloake Board,…
  • Recognizing and Avoiding Swarms

    May 6, 2024
    A swarm is one of the most dramatic and amazing shows of nature that anyone, beekeeper or not, can witness.…
  • The Big Issues to Check at the Hive Inspection

    May 5, 2024
    The hive inspection is a chance for the beekeeper to dig deeper beyond the external signs when observing the hive.…
  • Practical Guidance for The New Beekeepers

    May 5, 2024
    With your bees duly installed in their new beehive, you can call yourself a beekeeper! A new, freshly-minted, inexperienced green-behind-the-ears…
  • Colony Cluster April 2024

    Colony Cluster April 2024

    April 14, 2024
    • Ambassador Round Table Discussion (Ends at 14:48)• Colony Collapse Disorder vs. An Absconding Colony (9:08)• Do Queens Take More…
  • During & After a Honeybee Swarm

    April 10, 2024
    Though it’s a rare and truly beautiful sight, most beekeepers would prefer not to see half of their strongest colony…